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Have a Heartwarming February

Welcome to February! We are officially through the darkest part of the year, marked by the Celtic Holiday, Imbolc, which is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Now is the time to plan your garden and prepare your life for the positive changes you wish to manifest as the days grow longer (and eventually warmer.) Here are a few ways to help you celebrate this month:

1. Cultivate Self Love- Embrace the month of love by directing your love inwards. Practice self-compassion and self-love by spending more time doing things you enjoy. And give yourself grace when you aren’t able to get a lot done. This is not the time of year for “full steam ahead”. February energy is more for dreaming and planning about the seeds you will plant in the spring.

2. Nourish Your Inner Fire- February weather is cold and damp, so we begin to move into Kapha season. Start to incorporate warming foods like ginger, cinnamon, and honey to stay in balance.

3. Create a Winter Wellness Altar- Build a small altar in your living space that has symbols of winter wellness. A warm scarf, a mug for herbal tea, a warming Ayurvedic oil like sesame, and a candle can be visual reminders to prioritize your self-care. Customize it with your favorite things that inspire you!

4. Send Valentines- Taking time to make a Valentine, or simply writing a heartfelt letter on pretty paper can help cultivate gratitude for any relationship you cherish. A grateful heart is a happy heart, so show your friends and family how much they mean to you.

5. Practice Heart-Opening Yoga- In addition to practicing heart-openers in your personal practice, you can join me for a Heart-Focused Class on February 14 or 15. I’ll be dedicating my regularly scheduled classes on these days with a special practice for Valentine's Day. Wednesday, February 14 will be in-person at Sun and Moon Yoga Studio Arlington, sign up here. Thursday, February 15 will be online through my website, sign up here.


I hope you have a cozy month! 

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